As we move deeper into the transition taking place on planet earth, the Pleiadians tell us that the time has come for us to consciously complete our awakening and self-healing process. The new frequencies of light and sound that are now hitting the planet are awakening us to remembrance of and reconnection with our true Selves. One of the key messages of the Pleiadians is that we must accept our humanity and imperfections in order to facilitate the process of our own self-birthing into the Universal Consciousness. By integrating these human aspects of our Self with our Higher Nature we will more easily navigate our way through this transition. In each episode Pleiadian Ambassador, Christine Day will present a new body of information and transmissions.
Monday Sep 06, 2021
#22 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Join Christine Day as she talks about these intense times we are having with the 3rd dimensional drama accelerating on another level. The Peiadians are saying we are entering an expansive time of light energy from the Covenant, which is creating a further series of incredibly intense light transmissions across the planet and through our heart cells. While further drama is being unearthed across the planet, it is essential at this time to create an inner stability within our heart space. The Covenant energy is interacting through your Heart to support your realignment to Truth. In the Transmission of Light you will receive a transmission to assist you in moving into another level of ownership of your multidimensional Heart. This time is about you consciously choosing to return.
Monday Aug 02, 2021
#21 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Join Christine Day as she shares about the energy of the Covenant, which anchored here on the earth plane late June and has created a series of incredibly intense light waves that are strongly impacting our day-to-day lives. This is the time for each of us to channel in and utilize this energy as part of our destiny. The Pleiadians bring a message about these higher expressions of light that resonates within our heart cells and aligns us to a more authentic aspect of Self within our Heart. The Transmission of Light works on opening your Pineal space to support a deepening alignment to your telepathic center on another level through the Heart. Remember, our Heart is the avenue for communication and our telepathic centers are being recalibrated to allow telepathic communion to be established with the Higher Realm consciousness at this juncture.
Monday Jul 05, 2021
#20 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Join Christine Day as she brings information about this powerful transition that we are in the middle of at this time on the planet. The Pleaidians keep reminding us to let go and trust. They also remind us that time is actually moving very quickly and we need to make the most of every minute of every experience. There is a strong Transmission of Light setting a new energetic frequency through your systems (including your Heart) to support you in working more easily with the expanded vibrations that are coming onto the planet right now. We will be working with The Diamond Light of the Covenant in this transmission to assist us with in ending the internal separation within. Know that the Diamond energy is an aspect of the Oneness, as are you!
Monday Jun 07, 2021
#19 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Join Christine as she shares about the changing vibration coming onto the planet this month that is going to set in motion powerful waves across the earth plane as the energy of a sacred covenant is activated. In the Transmission of Light there will be a strong activation of your entire energetic systems. Veils will be removed, to allow you to align more completely to your higher order of light. Work will be done within the Pineal, and an opening within your Divine Access Point. A powerful letting go energy will be transmitted to facilitate a release of dense patterns of self-sabotage, shifting out old cycles and belief systems. The Pleiadians are going to be holding a doorway open for you during this transmission to enable you to step forward to another level on your path.
Monday May 03, 2021
#18 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Join Christine in this show as the Pleiadians talk about manifesting what you want for yourself in this lifetime. Opportunities are being opened up to us at this time with the higher component of light anchored onto the planet. Each of us needs to understand there is something far greater within us that we are being asked to utilize in our day-to-day living to transform our own life. There is a powerful message from the Pleiadians about aligning to our creation energy and choosing to consciously reconnect to our unlimited potential through our Heart. The Transmission of Light offers tools to align into this higher potential of Self. Let go and allow these light frequencies transmitted by the Pleiadians to support you on your next conscious step of reawakening!
Monday Apr 05, 2021
#17 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Join Christine for this show where she is talking about your enlightenment process. An essential part of this process is what the Pleiadian’s call your self-resurrection, which is to play a major role in our lives right now. Remember we are ‘perfectly imperfect’ within our humanness. We are meant to celebrate our imperfection and hold ourselves with patience, love and compassion. There is a powerful message from the Pleiadians about the illusions perpetrated by our Ego mind and how these illusions are limiting us in our life. In the Transmission of Light you will be working within your Pineal, and adjusting your energies to support you to align to a higher framework to your Self. This is a glorious time for self-renewal, for adventure of your spirit, to take alternate paths to unfold into your destiny.
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
#16 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Join Christine in this show as she talks about the latest information and teachings from the Pleiadians for this time. They remind us that we have a sacred component, we have a human component and right now we are being supported to come home within ourselves within our heart. We are being given an opportunity to connect to this higher potential of ourselves with ease. This time is like no other, is a destiny time, a time of grace where we can consciously choose to return to ourselves through our heart. Christine works with the Conscious breath, which moves you into a higher connection and moves you beyond the illusion of the ego mind. Choosing to move into moments of Truth in Knowing.
The Transmission of Light aligns you to a higher framework of light within your Heart for self-empowerment in your day-to-day life. Trust the flow of your unlimited Heart.
Monday Feb 01, 2021
#15 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Join Christine as she brings forth information from the Pleiadians about what is taking place since the grand conjunction heralded us into the Age of Aquarius. This is when a new light birthed onto our planet, and this new order of light has been set in motion to realign us to a higher vibration of Truth. This Framework is impacting our Heart’s and repositioning our DNA to this sacred vibration of love. This component of Love is part of who we are within the Higher Realms, in our Higher Self.
This is our time to move beyond illusion and shift our perceptions beyond the 3rd dimensional limitations and drama in day-to-day life. We are being empowered as we emerge from “I think” and move into “I know” and this inner power gives us a new freedom to choose and set in motion our own reality!
The Transmission of Light is designed to align you to the higher Framework of light, the sacred Higher Self component within your Heart. Allow the unfolding to happen, a rebirth as you receive you.
Monday Jan 04, 2021
#14 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Join Christine as she shares what the Pleiadians say about the energies created through the New Year heralding in the next phase of an awakening Framework to anchor on Earth. She talks about how this Framework is impacting our hearts and bringing the sacred vibrations of love to each one of us in another Higher Realm level. This action opens up to each one of us the potential to arise within the Higher Realm truth and power that we each hold within us.
In the Transmission of Light a collective frequency channel is opened to enable each one of you to individually align to this higher aspect of your self, and then through your telepathic abilities we join in a united consciousness wave. As you achieve this, your telepathic centers turn on and begin once again to become active within your systems.
This is an exciting time to be living on the Earth. This time is about receivership, claiming our natural birthright of our unique God consciousness element, which resides within the Sacred Chamber of your Heart. You get to choose reconnection!
Monday Dec 07, 2020
#13 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Join Christine at this powerful and potent time for each one of us as we enter the final month of this year. On the show today there will be a powerful message from the Pleiadians and Christine will be channeling a Transmission of Light to support you in preparing for the expanding light coming onto the planet in the third week of December.
You are being called forward at this juncture for your reconnection to your Heart. Open up into the transmutation of your heart cells, open up to allow a further expanding of your multidimensional Heart.