As we move deeper into the transition taking place on planet earth, the Pleiadians tell us that the time has come for us to consciously complete our awakening and self-healing process. The new frequencies of light and sound that are now hitting the planet are awakening us to remembrance of and reconnection with our true Selves. One of the key messages of the Pleiadians is that we must accept our humanity and imperfections in order to facilitate the process of our own self-birthing into the Universal Consciousness. By integrating these human aspects of our Self with our Higher Nature we will more easily navigate our way through this transition. In each episode Pleiadian Ambassador, Christine Day will present a new body of information and transmissions.
Monday Nov 02, 2020
# 12 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she brings a message from the Pleiadians about the monumental shift, which is happening towards the end of our calendar year. We are being drawn into a powerful force field of higher light, and all our systems are undergoing a magnetic upgrade. We are being made energetically ready to play an essential role within our Heart to support the stabilization of the higher order of multidimensional Grids on the planet. These Grids hold the sacred design for this time. The Transmission of Light brings a further transmutation within your Heart cells, expanding you deeper into the Chamber of the multidimensional Heart. Know that through the reconnection to your Heart’s chamber you become the initiator to reestablish light on Earth.
Monday Oct 05, 2020
#11 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Join Christine for this show with a powerful message from the Pleiaidans containing information to support you in your day-to-day life. There will be a Transmission of Light designed to move you into another place of reconnection to your Heart, and open up into the transmutation of your heart cells. This initiation will assist you in moving beyond the perceptions of your Ego mind and reach within your Heart to align within the vastness of your natural sacred perceptions. Your Heart is your multidimensional tool that carries designed energy for you to utilize now, allowing you to be liberated from the illusion. This is the time for your self-resurrection for you to realign to yourself to this higher perspective and vision through this re-engagement within your Sacred Heart.
Monday Sep 07, 2020
#10 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she brings updates to you on the ever-changing energetic alignments opening up this month and how to actively engage with these in your life. There is a message from the Pleiadians to assist you in navigating beyond the illusion of drama through choosing to relink within your multidimensional Heart space.
The Transmission of Light is designed to bring you into a deeper profile alignment to your Heart. The work you will be doing in the Transmission, the whole process is set up for you to open into this higher platform of connection within your Heart. Anchoring your consciousness within your unique light flow through your Heart enables you to move beyond the veils of illusion to your accelerated reconnection to Truth.
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
#9 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she brings a powerful message from the Pleiadians sharing further about the Network Grid that is actively becoming more manifest on our planet. These sacred imprints are transforming daily, and holding the vibrational design to fully and actively transform your Heart. Enabling you to move beyond the veils of illusion for your accelerated reconnection to Truth. Christine will be channeling a Transmission of light for you to receive energy to support you at this transitional time on the planet. This transmission is designed to support you now in your day-to-day lives.
Monday Jul 20, 2020
#8 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she works directly through your heart with the Pleiadian energy. There is a whole new experience of your heritage available to you through the network Grid that continues to anchor daily onto the planet. You are an expression of the God light, within your own heart cells is your own unique signature that interacts with that Grid naturally. There is a dialogue on being human, and witnessing the subtle energy of the Ego minds misperceptions of Truth. The Transmission of Light is designed to align your Heart to link within the network Grid of God light. Claim ownership of this Grid of which you are a natural extension.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
#7 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she brings us into our hearts as we collectively join into that vast union we are naturally apart. Through the letting go we align deeper within our heart and our collective energy, as we choose to consciously engage into the communion of light that we all make up together. We are going through a metamorphic shift. Christine brings clarity and understanding through a powerful discourse to assist you in navigating through the illusion in your life. This is followed by a Transmission of channeled Light from the Pleiadians. Open a doorway through your heart into the reconnection to the sacred that you are.... "You are who you have been waiting for"
Monday Jun 15, 2020
#6 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Join Christine in this show as she talks about the network of God light that has anchored and continues to expand across the planet. This time is about you choosing differently to actively engage in the reconnections through your heart to your sacred that you are… this is about self-empowerment. The Transmission of Light is a process of activating your signature key frequency of your Heart. This is a remembering process, which allows you to link into the multidimensional map or vast number of realities operating simultaneously. This is the moment to begin to actively engage within these entry points of higher consciousness. Give yourself permission to be repositioned to align to Truth within your Heart!
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
#5 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Join Christine in this show during these very intense times on the planet. The Pleiadians say to expect a further acceleration of this drama. This outer turmoil is mirroring the inner turmoil with us. This is the time for deep introspection and for self-healing to take place on the deepest level. In the Transmission the Pleiadians bring a strong ‘letting go’ energy to support each one of us in choosing to make change within our lives now.
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
#4 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she shares about the incredible changes taking place energetically within the planet and within our own energetic structure. There is so much we are transitioning through right now. This is a huge time of letting go and this is about conscious choice in making changes in your day-to-day life and how you choose differently. Letting go and choosing realignment within your heart on another level. In the Transmission you will engage on another level to the pathway being held open for you to choose to expand your unique connection into the higher realms of your God light through your heart. How much are you willing to receive within the vast openings of light? How much are you willing to create reconnection within the heart to the higher source of your god light?
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
#3 Pleiadian Initiations with Christine Day
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Join Christine for this show as she shares about the steps you can achieve to a re-alignment to your sacred nature in your awakening process. As you change your cycle of just living, being in your human experience and begin to navigate and embrace your sacred aspect, you open up into another dimensional reality and a huge shift can occur within your life. In the Transmission we are going to open into a high communion process, which will create a reconnection within the network of god light that is now on the planet. These networks are allowing each one of us to move and realign our sacred natures through the avenues of our sacred heart. Let go and launch your Self!